EYNCRIN is dedicated to promoting and fostering Inclusive growth:

for a high-employment European economy delivering economic, social and territorial cohesion

We commit to delivering activities fostering inclusive growth in sense of:

- raising Europe’s employment rate – more and better jobs, especially for women, young people and older workers;
- helping people of all ages anticipate and manage change through investment in skills & training;
- modernizing labor markets and welfare systems;
- ensuring the benefits of growth reach all parts of the EU.

We will work to contribute to reaching the EU targets for inclusive growth include:

1. 75% employment rate for women and men aged 20-64 by 2020– achieved by getting more people into work, especially women, the young, older and low-skilled people and legal migrants
2. better educational attainment – in particular:

  • reducing school drop-out rates below 10%
  • at least 40% of 30-34–year-old completing third level education (or equivalent)

3. at least 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion

Why does Europe need inclusive growth?


Europe’s workforce is shrinking as a result of demographic change –a smaller workforce is supporting a growing number of inactive people.
The EU  must increase its overall employment rate:  The employment rate is particularly low for women (63% against 76% for men aged 20-64) and older workers, aged 55-64 (46% against 62% in the US and Japan).
Europeans work short hours – 10% less than their US or Japanese counterparts.
The economic crisis has brought high youth unemployment – over 21% – and made it harder for out-of-work people to find jobs.


The EU has around 80 million people with low or basic skills – benefiting less from lifelong learning than more educated people. By 2020, 16m more jobs will require high qualifications, with 12m fewer jobs requiring low skill-levels. Acquiring and building on new skills is ever more important.

Fighting poverty

Even before the crisis, there were 80m people at risk of poverty, including 19m children. 8% of working people do not earn enough to make it above the poverty line.

"Tackling inequalities in incomes, health outcomes, education and well-being, requires breaking down the barriers to inclusive growth and reaching new frontiers in policymaking and implementation.  Everyone should be able to realise their potential and to share the benefits of growth and increased prosperity."  


OECD Secretary-General