creative enterpriSes

More than 7,500 young  people in Europe have started their EYNCRIN creative enterprises and make the difference in the lives of thousands. Find out how to become part of the program.

recent programs

Our  new program in Innovative Vocational Education and Training recently got the attention of national media. Learn more about this page-turner.

YOUTH WORK - helping young people's personal and social development - to achieve their full potential and develop important life skills through non-formal educational activities. educative, expressive, participative and empowering, 

Engaging European young people in developing inclusive, democratic and peaceful societies.

OUTREACH  - Community outreach, with a particular attention to the young people from minority, migrant origin, those living in ghettos or remote areas is an essential part of the local and national activities of the EYNCRIN members.  

COACHING, EDUCATION AND TRAINING  - Our Centers for Creative Learning and Innovative VET stimulate both creative teaching and creative learning, also providing personal coaching, in cooperation with the EYNCRIN Creative Youth Leadership Academy. 

– strengthen the capacity of youth work to respond to the changes and trends in our society and the emerging challenges faced by young people; 

RESEARCH on YOUTH WORK and YOUNG PEOPLE - On one hand, the EYNCRIN studies on the different forms of youth work and their value, impact and merit. On the other hand, the EYNCRIN promotes and develops research on the opportunities to boost child and youth creative power for growth.

RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT - ​access to youth work knowledge and resources at European, national, regional and local levels. EYNCRIN grows to developing more than 100 youth-friendly creative tools for youth and civil work that can be used for various groups of young people across Europe.

NETWORKING  -  EYNCRIN grows to more than 33,500 members in 27 countries in Europe. further support the exchange of youth work practices, peer learning and the creation of sustainable networks and partnerships; – stimulate co-operation within the youth sector and among sectors and fields of expertise wherever youth work takes place in order to reinforce ties, in particular between formal education and youth work and between public authorities, the private sector and civil society; – strengthen the dialogue between youth work, youth policy and youth research; 

EYNCRIN’s membership represents
the voice of a wide range of European
youth organizations and young people.
Our members range from small
independent NGOs and local youth
councils, to national NGOs and youth
movements from all European
countries, Russia and Kazakhstan.
In 2017/2018:
• We welcomed 7 new member organizations
and 23 new young people as individual
• Due to sector reforms and funding constraints
5 previous member organizations closed down.


National coodinators

No need is too small and no voice is too quiet to be heard. We will devote the time and energy necessary to educate, advocate and stimulate creativity and innovation among young people.